Fresh Maojian Green Tea in Bulk – Directly from Yongchuan Xiuya Factory

(1 customer review)


Product Category: Yongchuan Xiuya
Origin: Chongqing
Seller-to-Seller: Bulk
Raw Materials and Ingredients: Fresh Tea Leaves
Net: 98 (%)

SKU: gt27 Category:


Tea characteristics

Yongchuan Xiuya is a famous needle-shaped tea, which belongs to green tea. Yongchuan Xiuya stalks are tight, delicate and fresh. The inherent quality is clear and transparent, the aroma is fresh and vibrant, the taste is fresh and sweet, and the leaves are green and bright.

Additional information

Weight N/A

100g (3.5oz), 200g (7oz) SAVE 30%, 500g (7oz) SAVE 50%, Sample 20g (10g * 2)

1 review for Fresh Maojian Green Tea in Bulk – Directly from Yongchuan Xiuya Factory

  1. Warren Bennett

    A little different in flavor from your normal green tea but it grows on you. It is my wife’s favorite tea and reminds her of China where she came from.

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